How to convert a mySQL date from an NSString to a NSDate ?
You can create a static method like this: + (NSDate [...]
You can create a static method like this: + (NSDate [...]
Vous pouvez créer une méthode statique comme celle là : [...]
Si votre NSDictionary (ou NSMutableDictionary) s'appelle "myDictionary", utilisez : if [...]
If your NSDictionary (or NSMutableDictionary) is named "myDictionary", just use [...]
Basic question, and sometimes we’re thinking of non « basic » answer [...]
Some beginners may have difficulties to insert into their SQL [...]
You surely often see on several application an UIAlertView telling [...]
J’ai fait une classe avec des méthodes statiques & dynamiques [...]
I’ve made a class including static & dynamics methods (say [...]